Planning Commission
The City planning commission shall consist of five residents of the City appointed by the Board of Commissioners for terms of three years each. All members of the planning commission shall serve without pay.
It shall be the duty of the City planning commission to study and prepare plans and recommendations to be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for the systematic development and betterment of the City, as a place of residence and business. It may consider and investigate any subject matter tending toward the development and betterment of the City, and make recommendations as it may deem advisable concerning the adoption thereof to the Board of Commissioners, and may, when the matter is referred to it by the Board of Commissioners, recommend the location and design of any public building, statue, memorial, park, boulevard, street and alley, playgrounds, public ground or bridges, or the change and location of any street, alley or grade thereof. It may recommend approval or rejection of plats and deeds of dedication of all land proposed to be subdivided into lots, blocks and public ways, either within or without the corporate limits of the City. It shall have such other powers and duties as may be authorized by the Board of Commissioners.
Commission Members
Name | Title | Term Expires |
Jeff Lane
| Member | 9/26 |
Marilyn Duff
| Member | 9/26 |
Chuck Ellsworth
| Member | 9/24 |
Jack Forsyth
| Member | 9/24 |
Tyson Branyan
| Member | 9/25 |